What's Your Plan: Writing a Compelling Business Plan
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Business Plans provide a road map for where you want your business to go. Lenders require business plans when considering your funding request and it is helpful to know how to write your plan compellingly. In this class, students learn how to write a compelling business plan using LivePlan software, including guidance on writing your mission statement, key strategic milestones and financial forecasts.
Looking for a way to be more effective as a business owner? Trying to finance your business? Want to plan for business expansion? Retirement? Selling your business? Your business plan provides a roadmap to business success, helps in raising capital, and provides a way to communicate a business concept. In this class you will learn: • What a business plan is • Why a business plan is so important • Who will read your business plan • How to put a business plan together • Resources and much more
This class is four sessions, every other Thursday for eight weeks. Students who complete the program and business plan within 3 months can apply for reimbursement of $125 of class fees.
Fee: $ 200.00
In 1-2 business days you will receive an email with confirmation of your enrollment and information on how to pay. For Questions call 503-842-8222 ext.1420 or email rudellarriba@tillamookbaycc.edu