Oregon Real Estate Broker Pre-Licensing
The Tillamook Bay Small Business Development Center is pleased to offer this new training opportunity. Attend this accelerated real estate broker license course designed to prepare you for the Oregon real estate broker license exam. This course is the fastest way to qualify to take the state exam and meets all of the Oregon Real Estate Agency pre-license criteria. Classes are every Thursday evening, excluding Thanksgiving. You must have online capacity, self-study, attend all evening sessions, and attend a 9am to 5pm exam preparation day on Saturday, December 14th. Additional 10-15 hours per week of online home study required. Taught by an experienced principal broker.
Speaker(s): Janda Fleming
For more information call (503)551-4467 or email stacey@sts.careers
Fee: $ 350.00
After signing up for the class you will provided a link to complete your registration and pay.