Real Estate Broker Pre-License
Tue, Apr 2 6:00 PM to 8:50 PM
11 sessions ending Sat, Jun 8
Facilitated by Linn-Benton Community College SBDC
Topic: Start-up Assistance
Have you been thinking about a career as a real estate agent? This class is the first step! An accelerated pre-license HYBRID weekly class, self-study, and a 9-5 pre-test cram session on Saturday, June 8th will get you ready for the Oregon Real Estate Broker's License Exam. You must attend all class sessions through Zoom or in person and have online access to complete the self-study portion of this course. Held at Coldwell Banker's North Albany Branch.
Course Record Number (CRN): 41987
Instructor: Donna Jo Merrifield
Fee: $ 695.00
Payment can be made online with credit card and currently does not qualify for payment plan or scholarship.