Real Estate Broker Pre-License
Thinking about a career as a real estate agent? This accelerated weekly class and a 9-5 pre-test cram session on Saturday, June 14, will get you ready for the OR Real Estate Broker's License Exam. You must attend all classes through Zoom and complete the online self-study portion.
Course Record Number (CRN): 41987
Instructor: Heather Rich
Payment/Drop Policy: Payment is due at the time of registration. If you need to drop the course, please notify us of your request to drop before the class begins. The latest possible deadline for dropping this class is by the end of the second week of class. After this time, no refunds will be issued for fees paid. (Not showing up to class does not mean you have dropped.) Please call 541-917-4840 to speak with an Extended Learning enrollment specialist to drop a class or if you have any questions. If you leave a voicemail, we will return your call as soon as possible.
Fee: $ 695.00