Startup Series - Part I: Regulations, Licenses, and Permits

Wed, Apr 9 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Topic: Start-up Assistance

Perfect for individuals planning to start, are ready to launch, or those who have just started a business. The requirements for legally formalizing a business can feel overwhelming. Allow the team of professional business advisors at MHCC SBDC to clarify the process for you. Learn the steps to be in legal compliance, the pros and cons of legal business structures, and the steps to formalize and protect your business. By the end, you will have a clear understanding of all the requirements for establishing your business. Don’t miss this opportunity to start with confidence!

This course is presented in English.

Follow this link to Register

Please call if you have any questions or having any trouble getting registered. 503-491-7658 or email Payment will be processed at time of registration.

Fee: $ 50.00


Mt. Hood Community College SBDC
18633 SE Stark St, Suite 302, Portland, OR 97233